Available ESR/PhD projects
- ESR 1: Host factors predicting target site penetration of antibiotics in difficult to treat patient populations (Medical University of Wien, Austria)
- ESR 2: Host factors impacting protein binding of highly protein bound drugs in‐vivo (Medical University of Wien, Austria)
- ESR 3: Integrating TDM and PK/PD to predict outcomes in sepsis and HAP/VAP (University of Udine, Italy)
- ESR 4: Characterizing exposure‐PKPD‐biomarker relationships in special patient populations (University of Udine, Italy)
- ESR 5: Development and validation of a clinical MBEC assay for individualization of biofilm associated infections (Jena University Hospital, Germany)
- ESR 6: Translational pharmacology of antimicrobial drug effects (Leiden University, Netherlands)
- ESR 7: Model‐based individualization of treatment of chronic lung infections using a host‐pathogen‐drug systems model [POSITION FILLED] (Leiden University, Netherlands)
- ESR 8: Establishing PK/PD thresholds based on target site concentrations instead of plasma (Medical University of Wien, Austria)
- ESR 9: Studies of MICs, biomarkers and PK of ceftazidim‐avibactam (CEF‐AVI) in pneumonia caused by K. pneumoniae (Uppsala University)
- ESR 10: Model‐based translation of antibiotics‐bacteria‐neutrophil interactions in vivo (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- ESR 11: Biomarkers for early prediction of therapeutic efficacy (Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany)
- ESR 12: Influence of species‐specific virulence factors on host response under antibiotic treatment (Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany)
- ESR 13: Host response biomarkers for bacterial infections using RNA profiling and Raman spectroscopy (Jena University Hospital, Germany)
- ESR 14: Quantification of biomarker and organ responses in sepsis with and without antibiotic treatment [RECRUITMENT COMPLETED] (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- ESR 15 : PhD candidate: Mathematical modeling of host‐pathogen‐drug interactions to optimize antibiotic therapy (Leiden University, Netherlands)
- At the time of commencing their employment, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their (recruiting) host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to their recruitment.
- Applicants must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research career and have not been awarded a doctoral degree at the first day of their employment contract. This research experience is measured from the date when they obtain the degree which formally entitles them to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged. Research experience is measured to the first day of the employment contract of the researcher.
- Usual MSCA eligibility criteria apply and will be verified during the application process. For more information on MSCA, please see: http://ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactions.
- The successful candidates will receive a 36-month, full-time employment contract as per Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) regulations for early stage researchers. The monthly salary will be confirmed upon offer, paid in the currency of the host country, and with a correction factor applied to the host country.
- In addition to their individual scientific projects, TIPAT ESRs will collaborate with world-leading research groups and industries within the consortium through secondments. All ESRs will benefit from further extensive and varied continuing education, completing a series of carefully designed training modules and transferable skills courses; they will participate in symposia, workshops, and international conferences and will have meaningful exposure to the industrial environment through TIPAT industrial partners.
To apply, please apply through to the individual ESR position description available through hyperlinks for each position in the list of ESR projects above, which is in most case the application webpage for the hosting institute. These local/individual advertisements will have further details including local PhD admission criteria and specific application deadlines and application procedure.
The application deadline is different per position but will be between May 20 – June 30. Please refer to the individual position descriptions. We may extend this deadline depending on the developments of the COVID19 pandemic.